UDC 94(470)


Koroleva Larisa Aleksandrovna1, Molkin Alexey Nikolaevich1
1Penza state university of architecture and construction

In article tasks and forms of interaction of the West and the Soviet Muslims of Central Volga Area are considered. Communication of the Soviet Muslims with the outside Islamic world was reduced only to "a narrow corridor" Spiritual managements of Muslims of the USSR. In turn, "foreign guests" also were selected, mainly, from among sympathizing a socialist mode and, as a result, weren't always capable to real reflection of the Soviet reality. Mutually visits were the main form of realization of contacts between the Soviet and foreign Muslims, first of all, and, the program and routes of visits were not really various, and were in details controlled from the Soviet authorities. Other direction of cooperation were the organization and carrying out various level of conferences, symposiums, the seminars with which main goal was to expand, on the one hand, geography and the content of contacts, with another - to propagandize the Soviet way of life and to prove advantages of a socialism, including, and concerning the state and Islamic relations.

Article reference:
Koroleva L.A., Molkin A.N. West and Muslims of Central Volga Area in the 1960-1980th // History and archeology. 2014. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://history.snauka.ru/en/2014/03/881

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