Articles by keyword «оппозиция»

Articles in journal «History and archeology»

Koroleva L.A., Molkin A.N. Грузинское национальное движение в СССР. 1950-1980 гг.

№ 2 February 2014

Miku N.V., Vakhidov R.R. Из истории «националистических проявлений» в СССР. 1960-е гг

№ 5 May 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Guryanov P.A. Small business in Russia in 2008-2012: disappointment period

June, 2013

Molkin A.N., Koroleva L.A. Dissident Arkady Samsonovich Tsurkov

February, 2015

Artyomova S.F., Molkin A.N. Dissidenty as social mood

February, 2015

Gurianov P.A. The confrontation price with the country West

February, 2015

Koroleva L.A., Molkin A.N. Free interprofessional association of workers

March, 2015

Miku N.V., Molkin A.N. The consultant of human rights association "The working commission on investigation of use of psychiatry in political goals" - psychiatrist A.A. Voloshanovich

March, 2015

Kinal A.V., Miku N.V. Christian seminar on problems of religious revival (1974-1979)

March, 2015

Artyomova S.F., Molkin A.N. Activist of the Jewish movement in the USSR I.S. Zisels

March, 2015

Vazerova A.G., Molkin A.N. Мagazine "Jews in the USSR"

March, 2015

Kinal A.V., Vazerova A.G. Catholic committee of protection of the rights of believers

March, 2015

Artyomova S.F., Molkin A.N. Group "Elections-79"

March, 2015

Artyomova S.F., Kinal A.V. Мagazine "Poyedinok" in the USSR

March, 2015

Koroleva L.A., Korolev A.A., Vakhidov R.R. The Armenian Helsinki group in the USSR

April, 2015

Koroleva L.A., Korolev A.A., Aipov R.N. The Georgian Helsinki group in the USSR

April, 2015

Breeva Y.D., Koroleva L.A., Korolev A.A. Ukrainian public group of assistance to implementation of the Helsinki agreements

April, 2015

Miku N.V., Kazhayev S.S. Lithuanian group of assistance to performance of the USSR of the Helsinki agreements

April, 2015

Dulatov R.L., Vazerova A.G. Initiative group of protection of the rights of disabled people in the USSR

April, 2015

Obshivalkin M.Y., Vazerova A.G. Prosecutions of Jewish refuseniks in the USSR in the late seventies (on materials "Messages from the USSR")

April, 2015

Artyomova S.F., Petrenko V.O. From history of the oppositional movement in the USSR: Eduard Yakovlevich Kuleshov

April, 2015

Nugayev A.S., Artyomova S.F. Soviet Belarusian dissident Mikhail Ignatyevich Kukobaka

April, 2015

Artyomova S.F., Molkin A.N. Committee of human rights in the USSR

May, 2015

Vakhidov R.R., Artyomova S.F. Fund of Solzhenitsyn in the USSR

May, 2015

Vazerova A.G., Molkin A.N. Alexander Pinkhosovich Podrabinek

May, 2015

Nugayev A.S., Vazerova A.G. "The Ukrainian messenger" - the magazine of the Ukrainian national opposition in the USSR

May, 2015

Petrenko V.O., Vazerova A.G. Activity of oppositionists S. Yermolaev and I. Polyakov

May, 2015

Breeva Y.D., Miku N.V. Features of the Soviet recusancy

June, 2015

Vakhidov R.R., Miku N.V. Some "results" of activity of dissidents in the USSR

June, 2015

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Shcherbakova G.I. The theme of the Balkan crisis and Russian patriotism in publicism of V.P. Meshcherskiy in 1870th years

October, 2014

Moiseyev I.S., Koroleva L.A., Korolev A.A. From distribution history of "anti-Soviet anonymous documents" in the USSR in the 1960th

June, 2015

Tarasova O.O. Opposition blogs as an instrument of political influence on the minds of potential electorate in Russia

May, 2016

Миф и символ в эротологической трилогии А.И. Куприна: актуальные аспекты изучения

December, 2021

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Guryanov P.A. Power system in the Russian Federation in the 2000s

September, 2013

Scherbakov M.A. Opposition forces of Russia at the present stage

October, 2014

Miku N.V., Molkin A.N. Forms of manifestation of dissident practice

November, 2014

Miku N.V., Molkin A.N. The movement of workers for the social and economic rights in the USSR in the 1950-1980th. (Origin of a historiography)

November, 2014

Miku N.V., Molkin A.N. "The northern capital" as the center of opposition in the USSR. the 1970-1980th (on materials "Messages from the USSR")

November, 2014