Articles by keyword «gymnasium»

Articles in journal «History and archeology»

Sulimov V.S. Организация экскурсий учащихся школ Омска в период Первой мировой войны

№ 7 July 2014

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Sulimov V.S. The role of V.I. Zybinskoe in education development of the Tobolsk province in the early twentieth century

July, 2014

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Sulimov V.S. The state control over the instruction to students of non-Orthodox faiths in schools West Siberian school district beginning of the XX century

June, 2014

Sulimov V.S. The state policy in regard to the education of poles refugees in Western Siberia during the First world war

July, 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Кazakov P.A. How learn in Greece?

November, 2014