UDC 94 (470.57)


Burangulov Bayras Vakilovich
Bashkir State University
candidate of historical science, associate professor of department of the history of the Republic of Bashkortostan, archeology and ethnology

This article is devoted to the outstanding scientist and ethnologist, anthropologist and archaeologist, author of many scientific papers on the Ethnography of the Bashkir people of Sergei Ivanovich Rudenko (1885-1969). A scientist, studying the diversified economy of the Bashkir people in pre-revolutionary time, pays special attention to the development of bee-keeping in the South Urals. The article has clarified the development of bee-keeping in Bashkiria.

Keywords: Bashkiria, bashkirs, beekeeping, bees, ethnography, ethnology, honey

Article reference:
Burangulov B.V. S. I. Rudenko – researcher of the bashkir bee-keeping // History and archeology. 2015. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://history.snauka.ru/en/2015/05/2182

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