UDC 94


Gumelev Vasiliy Yuryevich1, Yudin Timothy Mikhailovich2, Parhomenko Alexander Viktorovich3
1Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, candidate of technical Sciences
2Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, associate professor
3Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, associate professor

The paper presents the issues associated with localization possible the ancestral home of the common ancestors of the Indo-European peoples – ancient Aryan tribes, as well as main directions of migrations of the proto Indo-Europeans.

Keywords: aboriginal population., archaeology, arias, horse breeding, hypothesis, Russian plain, the Hittite Kingdom, the migration, the urheimat, war chariot

Article reference:
Gumelev V.Y., Yudin T.M., Parhomenko A.V. About ancient eurasian peoples: the urheimat of the Indo-Europeans // History and archeology. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://history.snauka.ru/en/2015/11/2409

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