Articles by keyword «духовенство»

Articles in journal «History and archeology»

Pulkin M.V. Чиновники в роли этнографов: проблемы адаптации административного аппарата к этнической специфике Европейского Севера в XIX–начале ХХ в.

№ 4 August 2013

Pulkin M.V. Старообрядческий публицист Тимофей Андреев о взаимоотношениях с приходским духовенством (вторая половина XVIII века)

№ 2 February 2014

Pulkin M.V. Православные приходы Прионежья в середине XIX в. (страницы конфессиональной истории вепсского народа)

№ 4 April 2014

Tsys O.P. Общественная и научная деятельность воспитанников Тобольской духовной семинарии второй половины ХIХ – начала ХХ вв

№ 8 August 2015

Tsys V.V. Русская Православная церковь на Тобольском севере в период НЭПА

№ 8 August 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Hretinina O.A. The Orthodox Education of Nobles in a Family and in a School (18th - first half of the 19th century)

February, 2017

Kopeva A.A. The clergy and the development of the public education and the local history in the Middle Volga region at the 19th century: S.M. Preobrazhensky’s works in Usol parish

March, 2017

Особенности абсолютной монархии в России

January, 2018

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Pulkin M.V. Orthodox Parish: self-believers and the state control over religious life in the middle of the XVIII-early twentieth century

July, 2013

Pulkin M.V. «Zgorely house»: the Old Believers built for the self-immolations in the middle of the XVII-XVIII century

August, 2013

Pulkin M.V. Social control and traditional culture in the XIX-early XX century (based on Olonetsk province)

September, 2013

Sulimov V.S. The role of Muslims Tyumen and Tobolsk in the development of education in the early twentieth century

May, 2014

Pulkin M.V. Orthodox parishes in North Karelia: ethnic and religious aspects of pastoral work (second half of XIX- beginning of XX century)

June, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The Vyatka volunteers in the home guard of 1812

November, 2014

Karpenko A.A. Religious spirituality: the way of exit out of «spiritual crisis» or archaization of society?

May, 2016

Hretinina O.A. Content of the subject Scripture in educational institutions of the Russian Empire in the 18-19th centuries

November, 2016

Chebotareva K.E. Service and academic duties of the district town priest in the middle of the 19th century

March, 2017