Articles by keyword «everyday life»

Articles in journal «History and archeology»

Savitskaya О.A. Стратегии потребления городского населения в годы Второй мировой войны: между оккупационным режимом и советской властью (на примере города Чернигова в 1941-1945 гг.)

№ 3 March 2015

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Tomilov I.S., Darya F.Y. Tradition and modernization in the sphere of leisure of the townspeople of Tobolsk province in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries

October, 2016

Krukov A.V. The history of everyday life in the views of the founders of the school "Annals"

November, 2016

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Tomilov I.S. Demographic processes in the towns of Tobolsk province in the second half of XIX - early XX centuries

June, 2015