Articles by keyword «земство»

Articles in journal «History and archeology»

Solyanichenko A.N. Эволюция stilum moribus, modus operandi, принятых в Московском государстве в результате областных реформ Избранной Рады

№ 3 March 2014

Chirkin S.A. Кредитные товарищества Вятской губернии в деле снабжения и финансирования русской армии годы первой мировой войны

№ 1 January 2015

Chirkin S.A. Районные совещания кооперативов Вятского края в преддверии создания губернского кооперативного союза (1915 г.)

№ 2 February 2015

Chirkin S.A. Культурные запросы вятского кооперативного крестьянства (по материалам кооперативных съездов 1914-1917 гг.)

№ 2 February 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Chirkin S.A. The small credit funds in the Vyatka province in the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries

April, 2014

Chirkin S.A. On some difficulties of the credit cooperation movement in the provincial Russia in the beginning of the XX century

October, 2014

Andriyash V.I., Yevtushenko A.N. The evolution of rural and urban governance in the Russian Empire in the context of decentralization of state-legal mechanism of the autocracy (the second half XІH - the beginning of XX century)

February, 2016

Matafonova T.A. The Vyatka regional self-government ‘zemstvo’ and the small credit

March, 2016

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Chirkin S.A. The influence of the Russo-japanese war on the life of peasants of the Vyatka region

January, 2014

Chirkin S.A. Loaning of the rural handicraftsmen by the local authorities of the Vyatka province in the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries

February, 2014

Chirkin S.A. Social initiatives of the сredit comradeships of the Vyatka province during the early period of the first world war

February, 2014

Chirkin S.A. Credit against goods in Russia in the period after reforms of 1860-1870 years

July, 2015

Surnina A.V. The activities of the Vyatka zemstvo in the sphere of small credit

April, 2017