UDC 342. 24


Solyanichenko Alexander Nikolaevich
Saratov state agrarian University
candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor, Department of political science

After the fall of Novgorod and Tver, firmly tied to the Kremlin of Ryazan and Pskov, in front of Ivan III there was a new problem: concatenate a state legally. In 1497, solving its Grand Prince «signed» code of law. Unlike the old Russian analogue of law Ivan III does not rely on an «insult»and «spirited case.» The difference is striking. Subject resentment individual. Vis-a-vis the dashing of the case» the state, the Truth, God. For this reason, seen in Судебнике only evidence of strengthening social discord, tightening enforcement practices, etc. is hardly possible. Changes intention of punishment. If in Ancient Russia is a fine-reimbursement of incurred losses in the Moscow state in the late XV century - the wages, the instruction on the right path.

Article reference:
Solyanichenko A.N. Litigation 1497 // History and archeology. 2013. № 8 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://history.snauka.ru/en/2013/12/825

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