Articles by keyword «археология»

Articles in journal «History and archeology»

Livanova A.A. История изучения Бессоновских стоянок

№ 1 January 2015

Kosolapkina D.S. История изучения археологических памятников Земетчинского района Пензенской области

№ 2 February 2015

Gumelev V.Y., Yudin T.M., Parhomenko A.V. О древних евразийских народах: прародина индоевропейцев

№ 11 November 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Soenov V.I. Pazyryk barrows in the context of modern problems of preservation archaeological monuments in Altai

September, 2013

Stavitsky V.V. Views of V.O. Kljuchevskiy about the problem relations slavs and volga finns in modern archeology

December, 2014

Stavitsky V.V. The teaching of the post-graduate course according to the aspirant`s choice "The interaction of the north`s and south`s cultures on the forest-steppe zone `s territory"

September, 2015

Konkina M.V. The history of the study of archaeological monuments of the Serdobsky area

December, 2016

Alabastine S.A. History of the study drevnemordovskih burial of the basin of Tesha

December, 2016

Denisov V.A. Panaceas from the Crimea

March, 2017

Zlobin A.E. Long and curved avenue between Stonehenge and Avon River symbolize the body of Egyptian Goddess Nut. Cursus symbolize underground world Duat of ancient Egyptians

March, 2019

Мировое значение культурного наследия народов Волго-Донского региона, формирование на этой основе одной из ветвей русской культуры

December, 2022

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Shalahov E.G. Archaeology of Sheremetevskii homestead in the village Yurino of the Republic of Mari El: 2000-2011's complex of finds from the Bronze Age in Yurinskaya

January, 2013

Shalahov E.G. Ancient settlement in the Maidanskie dunes of Yurinskaya (Mari) Volga-Vetluzhe (based on 2011 materials)

February, 2013

Soenov V.I., Konstantinov N.A. Archaeological survey in Northern Altai

November, 2013

Stavitsky V.V., Stavitsky A.V. The main directions of archaeological research in recent years at the humanities research institute of the government of the Republic of Mordovia

October, 2014

Trifanova S.V., Konstantinova E.A. Leather production of Altay population in Scythian and Hun-Sarmatian time

December, 2014

Nesterova N.A. The latest reasearches on the etnogenesis of the ancient Mordovians

August, 2016

Yagova A.M. History of the study of archaeological sites Upper Pochopila

January, 2017

Shalakhov E.G. Stone tools Maydan settlements of the Eneolithic (research intelligence 2011)

April, 2017

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Stavitsky V.V. The teaching of the post-graduate course according to the aspirant`s choice "The interaction of the north`s and south`s cultures on the forest-steppe zone `s territory"

January, 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Stavitsky V.V. The teaching of discipline «Archeology of Penza region»

November, 2014